This is how our lesson day goes:
- Morning Prayer: Lord I give you today. All I think, do, and say. All my work and all my play. This I give to you today. Amen
-Calendar Time and Weather: We sing two songs for calendar time, which you can find HERE. We then discuss the weather for that day' Video Lessons: This week, we started learning the letters of the alphabet, so most of our work revolves around that letter. Or course, we started with A. We watch four videos:
- Bible Lesson: We do this on YouTube, as well. We watch a video and then at night I read their Bible lesson story in their Bibles that I got for them for Christmas. This week we focused on the creation:
-Puppet Time: We make a puppet to go with a YouTube video. This week, we made an alligator paper bag puppet and an apple stick puppet (instructions below) and acted out this video:
-Craft: I get these crafts off of Pinterest.
-Music Appreciation: I don't follow the letter A here. This week we picked Beethoven and we just listened to Beethoven while we danced.
- Art Appreciation: American Gothic. For this, I just show them a picture and we briefly discuss it.
- Russian Lessons: We use more videos for this. If we have time, we'll watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in Russian (I couldn't believe it when we found this on YouTube).
- Nature Study/Games: Our nature study this week was finding acorns. For games we had:
Acorn Dig- I hid acorns in their stand box and they dug for them
Advanced Peek a Boo- I would hide behind the furniture or around the corner and when they found me I would yell Peek-a-Boo!
Alligator Puppet:
-Color and cut out the alligator template below
-Attach to a paper bag as shown below

Apple Puppet:
-Color and cut out template below
-Attach to craft stick

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