Monday, October 8, 2012

My Family Monday: Everyday Life With Triplets

  The last two weeks have been full of transition! We've had a couple of major changes and so far, so good! The first one I talked about on Thursday...Since the kids are now 18 months, I decided that they are too old for me going in their nursery during the middle of the night, despite the fact that it is only to put their paceys in their mouths.  We've been sleep training and its been great!  This past week, I've only had to go into their room once and two days last week they didn't wake up at all.  They are also sleeping in later now.  They used to wake up around 6 to 6:15am.  Now they sleep between 6:30 and 6:45am.  I actually had to wake them up on Sunday, so that we wouldn't be late for church.
  The other change is that we are no longer go jogging at 9am; we are now jogging after dinner at 6:30pm.  There were a few different reasons for this change,the main one being that the kids kept snoozing during our jog and so they weren't tired for their afternoon nap.  Also, the weather is now really nice in the evening and since Jenya started his new job, it gives him a chance to spend time with us.  We all go out to the dam as a family.  It works out well for Jenya, too, because with his job change he is no longer able to play racket ball, which was his previous form of exercise.  It  took a few days for the kids to adjust, but now they do well with it and I think its a nice way for them to wind down for bed.  We usually get back from the dam at around 7:30pm, get the kids changed and dressed for bed and they are asleep around 8pm. This change has also freed up our mornings.  We've been going to the park, visiting the library and we've joined two play groups.
  The last change is that we've been going to a new church; Grace Bible Church.  Its the same church that our MOPS group meets at and its been a wonderful change for us.  It starts 15 minutes later than our other church and its closer to our house so there's less of a rush on Sunday mornings.  It is a very small church; there are only about 50 people in the early service.  The kids seem to like the nursery.  At the old church, Adrik would always cry as soon as we got inside.  With this church he seems excited to go.  Although, Tali did cry when I left her last Sunday, I think it was only because she was in a bad mood.  The first Sunday we attended, Tali was introducing Adrik and Charli Kate to the nursery workers when I left them.  It was so cute.  I've also enjoyed the change.  There are a few other MOPS moms and I've been lovingly accepted by all the members.  Most notably, the preacher is like one I've never experienced   He is more like a very interesting and passionate professor and the services are more like a college course that I can't wait to attend.  Although there are no tests study for, I found myself eager to learn more about my religion.  I've grown up a Christian, but I've never even read the Bible completely.  I've now been reading and studying it every night.  I've purchased The Daily Bible Devotional which includes explainative naration, so that the Bible reads more like a novel.
  So far all of these changes seem to be going well!

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