This week has started to even out after the hectic beginning of school and we've fallen back into a comfortable routine. I've successfully added my studies into my busy schedule. At first, I tried to allocate the evenings after chores were completed for study time, but that only lasted one night. Being a morning person, I began to fall asleep and was unable to focus. Now I study before the kids wake-up from 5am until 6:30am. They kids have been great at letting me get this done. Lately, they've been waking up early, but they are content to talk in bed until I'm ready to get them.
The accounting class has been an illuminating experience. I always figured that when it was time for me to go back to school, I would take evening classes and Jenya would watch the kids while I was away. With this class, I realized how difficult that would be for me. I get up early in the morning, watch the kids all day, and do all my housework. By the end of the night my brain is mush. With this knowledge, I decided to look for an online university. I didn't want one like University of Phoenix, but I wanted a brick and mortar, accredited school that offered a business degree 100% online. This would allow me to do my classwork early in the morning. With that in mind and after a bit of research, I decided to apply to the University of Texas of the Permian Basin. They have one of the best online programs in the nation and the second best program in the state of Texas. They are a part of the UT school system and they offer 7 week courses, so I will graduate before what I was expecting. Even more, UTPB is less expensive then Texas State, so we'll save money. All around, its a better option for me.
The only other notable event happened on Saturday. Jenya and I went to a MOPs and Pops bowling get together. Every once in awhile, MOPs (Mothers of Preschoolers) will have an event inviting the fathers of preschoolers as well, so that we can further get to know each other and get know our other halves. It was a lot fun! Of course, I was a horrible bowler, as always, with the lowest score of everyone. Jenya was so intimidating with lugging around his large bowling bag filled with his own bowling balls and shoes. Jenya used to be in a bowling league, but with school, he hadn't been able to participate lately. He was a bit rusty, but I was kind of glad. I didn't want him crushing all of my friends the first time he met them. He graciously even lost. :)
You've probably noticed that I've been posting less. With everything going on, I haven't had much time to devote to my blog, so I've decided to post at least three times a week; Everyday Life with Triplets, Teaching Triplets, and Wordless. If I have time, I will try to add more posts, but I think this should be sufficient. You may have also noticed, I haven't been posting as much pictures and no videos. I'm having problems with my phone uploading onto my computer. Once we fix these issues these features will be back. Thankfully, I have access to Galina's photos still!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Teaching Triplets Tuesday: The Letter B
Last week we continued our lessons with the letter B:
- Morning Prayer: Lord I give you today. All I think, do, and say. All my work and all my play. This I give to you today. Amen
-Calendar Time and Weather: We sing two songs for calendar time, which you can find HERE. We then discuss the weather for that day' Video Lessons: This week, we continued learning the letters of the alphabet, so most of our work revolves around the letter B. We watch four videos:
- Bible Lesson: We do this on YouTube, as well. We watch a video and then at night I read them a Bible lesson story in their Bibles that I got for them for Christmas. This week we focused on Adam and Eve:
-Puppet Time: This week we made THESE really cute volley bug stick puppets and listened to THIS song about bugs.
-Craft: I get these crafts off of Pinterest.
-Music Appreciation: This week was a fun one; we used Mendelsson's Fingal's Cave. The kids loved it!
- Art Appreciation: Bridge Over a Pond of Water Lilies by Monet
- Russian Lessons: This week we just did the same as last week. We ended up ordering the Dino Lingo lessons.
- Nature Study/Games: Our nature study this week was finding bugs.
-For games we had:
- Morning Prayer: Lord I give you today. All I think, do, and say. All my work and all my play. This I give to you today. Amen
-Calendar Time and Weather: We sing two songs for calendar time, which you can find HERE. We then discuss the weather for that day' Video Lessons: This week, we continued learning the letters of the alphabet, so most of our work revolves around the letter B. We watch four videos:
- Bible Lesson: We do this on YouTube, as well. We watch a video and then at night I read them a Bible lesson story in their Bibles that I got for them for Christmas. This week we focused on Adam and Eve:
-Puppet Time: This week we made THESE really cute volley bug stick puppets and listened to THIS song about bugs.
-Craft: I get these crafts off of Pinterest.
-Music Appreciation: This week was a fun one; we used Mendelsson's Fingal's Cave. The kids loved it!
- Art Appreciation: Bridge Over a Pond of Water Lilies by Monet
- Russian Lessons: This week we just did the same as last week. We ended up ordering the Dino Lingo lessons.
- Nature Study/Games: Our nature study this week was finding bugs.
-For games we had:
Ball Bounce in the tramploine
Bubble Blowing
Balloon Toss
Balloon Toss
Monday, January 21, 2013
My Family Monday: Everyday Life with Triplets
Boy, has it been a crazy. Something significant happened every single day except yesterday! On Monday, I arranged our babysitter's schedule to watch the kids and that began. Previously, we had Moriah coming one day a week, every other week for three hours so that I could clean. With the weather unpredictable and there being more bad weather days then good weather days, I haven't been able to go running with the kids and my marathon training has suffered because of it. I've made it so that Moriah comes every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday for 40 minutes. During that time, I go for a run and sometimes get cleaning done. For my training schedule alternate between a four day training week and a five day training week. During the five day training week, I do my shorter runs on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday while Moriah watched the kids and if there's time left over, I tidy the house. I do my longer runs on Saturday and Sunday while Jenya is home. On my four day training week, instead of running on Monday, I clean the house while Moriah is playing with the kids. I'm so excited about this schedule. Not only does it actually allow me more time to do cleaning, but I also get to have my runs to myself. And let me tell you, pushing that stroller was getting tough since the kids have turned into toddlers! All of this, and Moriah is really only here for two extra hours a month.
On Tuesday, my mother in law, Galina, graciously watched the kids while I headed over to Austin Community College (ACC) Round Rock campus to speak to an adviser. It had always (even before the triplets came along) been the plan, that I would return to school after Jenya had finished his MBA. So with Jenya finishing this summer, I wanted to make sure that everything was in line for me to start this fall. With a preliminary look at my transcript, I was aware that I would still need to take managerial accounting at ACC, but I didn't know what other classes I needed before I transferred to Texas State. It ended up that one of classes is no longer excepted as a transfer course, so I ended up needing two more classes before I could transfer. After talking it over with Jenya, we decided that I would take one class this semester, managerial accounting, and one class in the summer, ethics. Both are offered distance learning, so I can take them from home. I had to register for managerial accounting by 5pm on that day, so it was pretty crazy, but its been going well. I've been doing my course work at 5am, before the kids wake-up.
On Wednesday, I decided we would try out a life group sponsor by our church. Childcare was provided, so I dropped the kids off at the church nursery and headed over to the house in which the group met. The life group was over at 7:30pm and the kids usually go to bed at 7pm. Adrik was not doing well when I picked him up and by the time got home and dressed for bed, it was around nine, so we probably won't be doing that again.
On Thursday, Galina came over to watch the kids and I met Jenya at work. We then headed to downtown Austin and attended a Keane concert. We had a great time and it was a great concert, but I got to bed at around midnight and then had to be up at 5am to make breakfast for MOPs.
As mentioned above, I had MOPs Friday morning. It was especially nice, because our friends and neighbors, Daniel and Kim, joined us!
On Saturday, Jenya learned how to fly a plane! For our anniversary, I got Jenya a introductory flight course pertaining of 30 minutes instruction and 30 minutes of flight time. He actually got to do the take-off! He said it was really cool, but figured it would be unrealistic to get a flight certification unless you happen to be a millionaire. As you can see, its been a full week!
On Tuesday, my mother in law, Galina, graciously watched the kids while I headed over to Austin Community College (ACC) Round Rock campus to speak to an adviser. It had always (even before the triplets came along) been the plan, that I would return to school after Jenya had finished his MBA. So with Jenya finishing this summer, I wanted to make sure that everything was in line for me to start this fall. With a preliminary look at my transcript, I was aware that I would still need to take managerial accounting at ACC, but I didn't know what other classes I needed before I transferred to Texas State. It ended up that one of classes is no longer excepted as a transfer course, so I ended up needing two more classes before I could transfer. After talking it over with Jenya, we decided that I would take one class this semester, managerial accounting, and one class in the summer, ethics. Both are offered distance learning, so I can take them from home. I had to register for managerial accounting by 5pm on that day, so it was pretty crazy, but its been going well. I've been doing my course work at 5am, before the kids wake-up.
On Wednesday, I decided we would try out a life group sponsor by our church. Childcare was provided, so I dropped the kids off at the church nursery and headed over to the house in which the group met. The life group was over at 7:30pm and the kids usually go to bed at 7pm. Adrik was not doing well when I picked him up and by the time got home and dressed for bed, it was around nine, so we probably won't be doing that again.
On Thursday, Galina came over to watch the kids and I met Jenya at work. We then headed to downtown Austin and attended a Keane concert. We had a great time and it was a great concert, but I got to bed at around midnight and then had to be up at 5am to make breakfast for MOPs.
As mentioned above, I had MOPs Friday morning. It was especially nice, because our friends and neighbors, Daniel and Kim, joined us!
On Saturday, Jenya learned how to fly a plane! For our anniversary, I got Jenya a introductory flight course pertaining of 30 minutes instruction and 30 minutes of flight time. He actually got to do the take-off! He said it was really cool, but figured it would be unrealistic to get a flight certification unless you happen to be a millionaire. As you can see, its been a full week!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Sunday Saying
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Silly Saturday: "Dada, Dinna Ready!'
This week Jenya started back at school and the kids are still getting used to the transition. On the first night, Tuesday night, the kids and I sat down at the table. Charli Kate soon picked up on the fact that Dada's chair was vacated and started saying, "Dada's chair, Dada's chair." I tried to explain to hear that Dada was not home, but then she yelled at the top of her lungs, "DADA! DINNA READY!!" Definitely left me chuckling.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Freeday Friday: What Kind of Spender are You

The number one reason for divorce is said to be money issues. Today at MOPs we talked about fiances and the differences they can create in a relationship. The inspiration was derived by the book, "First Came Marriage, Then Came Money", in which they talk about the four different kinds of spenders. I am a Security Seeker and although I"m not going to go into detail, I thought it would be fun for my followers to go and research what type of spender they are and what kind of spender their partners are. So if you have a minute go to, find out what type of spender you are, and hopefully this will lead you to a better understanding of you and your partner.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Our New Lessons and The Letter A
I was so excited to start new lessons with the kids! Cognitively they have had a growth explosion in the last couple of months; they sing and dance, they repeat every word they hear, they play games, they color and participate in crafts. Its been such a fun time to be a mother of triplets and I wanted my lesson to reflect all the fun we have. I derived the basic lesson plan from, but I use this sight for inspiration and make up own activities. The day before we started our new lessons (a week ago last Sunday), I got the playroom ready to be a classroom. I put two 2x2 foot ottoman tables together in the middle of the room for arts and crafts. We have a calendar on one wall for our calendar time and another wall we have our chalkboard which lists our lesson plan for the week.
This is how our lesson day goes:
- Morning Prayer: Lord I give you today. All I think, do, and say. All my work and all my play. This I give to you today. Amen
-Calendar Time and Weather: We sing two songs for calendar time, which you can find HERE. We then discuss the weather for that day' Video Lessons: This week, we started learning the letters of the alphabet, so most of our work revolves around that letter. Or course, we started with A. We watch four videos:
- Bible Lesson: We do this on YouTube, as well. We watch a video and then at night I read their Bible lesson story in their Bibles that I got for them for Christmas. This week we focused on the creation:
-Puppet Time: We make a puppet to go with a YouTube video. This week, we made an alligator paper bag puppet and an apple stick puppet (instructions below) and acted out this video:
-Craft: I get these crafts off of Pinterest.
-Music Appreciation: I don't follow the letter A here. This week we picked Beethoven and we just listened to Beethoven while we danced.
- Art Appreciation: American Gothic. For this, I just show them a picture and we briefly discuss it.
- Russian Lessons: We use more videos for this. If we have time, we'll watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in Russian (I couldn't believe it when we found this on YouTube).
- Nature Study/Games: Our nature study this week was finding acorns. For games we had:
This is how our lesson day goes:
- Morning Prayer: Lord I give you today. All I think, do, and say. All my work and all my play. This I give to you today. Amen
-Calendar Time and Weather: We sing two songs for calendar time, which you can find HERE. We then discuss the weather for that day' Video Lessons: This week, we started learning the letters of the alphabet, so most of our work revolves around that letter. Or course, we started with A. We watch four videos:
- Bible Lesson: We do this on YouTube, as well. We watch a video and then at night I read their Bible lesson story in their Bibles that I got for them for Christmas. This week we focused on the creation:
-Puppet Time: We make a puppet to go with a YouTube video. This week, we made an alligator paper bag puppet and an apple stick puppet (instructions below) and acted out this video:
-Craft: I get these crafts off of Pinterest.
-Music Appreciation: I don't follow the letter A here. This week we picked Beethoven and we just listened to Beethoven while we danced.
- Art Appreciation: American Gothic. For this, I just show them a picture and we briefly discuss it.
- Russian Lessons: We use more videos for this. If we have time, we'll watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in Russian (I couldn't believe it when we found this on YouTube).
- Nature Study/Games: Our nature study this week was finding acorns. For games we had:
Acorn Dig- I hid acorns in their stand box and they dug for them
Advanced Peek a Boo- I would hide behind the furniture or around the corner and when they found me I would yell Peek-a-Boo!
Alligator Puppet:
-Color and cut out the alligator template below
-Attach to a paper bag as shown below

Apple Puppet:
-Color and cut out template below
-Attach to craft stick

Monday, January 14, 2013
My Family Monday: Every Day Life with Triplets
With the holidays over, this week was devoted to getting back in the swing of things. The kids and I started some new lessons (I'll get into more details tomorrow). The kids have really blossomed in the last few months. They are constantly talking and are understanding so much. I decided that we would start some lessons that are more advanced and detailed. I can't wait to blog more about it tomorrow.
We started putting Charli Kate on the potty more this week. We were previously putting the kids on the potty in the morning and on Monday, since Charli Kate has been doing so well, I tried putting her in panties. We would go to sit on the potty ever 15 minutes or so and she would do really well and go when I sat her on the potty, but she would also still go in her panties. I think she couldn't tell when she needed to go, so we scaled down a bit...We kept her in her diaper, but we are now taking her to the potty more often. And, of course, when she tells us she needs to go, we put her on the toilet. The other two sit on the toilet almost every morning, but they don't go. I think they're scared to.
That's about all that has been going on this last week.
We started putting Charli Kate on the potty more this week. We were previously putting the kids on the potty in the morning and on Monday, since Charli Kate has been doing so well, I tried putting her in panties. We would go to sit on the potty ever 15 minutes or so and she would do really well and go when I sat her on the potty, but she would also still go in her panties. I think she couldn't tell when she needed to go, so we scaled down a bit...We kept her in her diaper, but we are now taking her to the potty more often. And, of course, when she tells us she needs to go, we put her on the toilet. The other two sit on the toilet almost every morning, but they don't go. I think they're scared to.
That's about all that has been going on this last week.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Moppets Performance: Take Two
I was given more pictures of the kids singing Christmas carols for our MOPs group (for original post click HERE) and thought I'd share:
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Holiday Card
I did not do a good job sending out holiday cards this year; I think that less than half of my intended cards actually made it to the mail box. The lists I used to address the cards comprised of my wedding guest list and my baby shower guest list. So if you've moved in the past two years, didn't attend either the wedding or a baby shower, or if I have your address in an email, you probably did not receive a card from us. Please don't be offended. My sister even got left out this year. With that said, below is our holiday card. Please if you would like me to mail one (or if you know someone that would like one), I would be happy to! I have plenty left over. You can email the address to or, if its easier, text the address to 512.657.7209.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
New Years
The big holiday for Jenya and his family is New Years. The Russian New Year is described as follows by
"The most extensive New Year celebrations in Russia occur on December 31st/January 1st. Fireworks and concerts mark this holiday. It is on this day that the Russian Santa, or Ded Moroz, and his companion Sengurochka visit children to pass out gifts. What those in the West would call a Christmas Tree is considered a New Year's Tree in Russia....
"The most extensive New Year celebrations in Russia occur on December 31st/January 1st. Fireworks and concerts mark this holiday. It is on this day that the Russian Santa, or Ded Moroz, and his companion Sengurochka visit children to pass out gifts. What those in the West would call a Christmas Tree is considered a New Year's Tree in Russia....
This New Year is considered the “New” New Year because [it] began to be recognized after Russia made the switch from the Julian calendar (still recognized by the Orthodox Church) to the Gregorian calendar followed by the West. During the Soviet period, the New Year was celebrated in place of Christmas, though Christmas has been regaining importance as a holiday once again.
Russians welcome the New Year by saying “S Novim Godom!” (С Новым годом!)"
In honor of this tradition, we headed over to the Stepanov residence after the kids' naps on New Years Eve. We played and listened to music and had a feast of traditional Russian salads, caviar (Jenya's favorite), and plov (a rice dish consisting of carrots, onions, and meat). We then exchanged presents and because of the kids' bedtime, we headed home and I tried to ring in the New Year, only to head off to bed around 10:30pm...Better luck next year!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Seven Years
On December 30th, Jenya and I celebrated our seven year anniversary. The Friday before our anniversary we went to eat at Gumbo's to celebrate. Jenya had the girls bring me two small jewelry boxes while I was preparing dinner for the kids. Tali didn't want to give me the one she was carrying, but after some coaxing, she relent. Inside was a new pair of earrings and a matching necklace that went quite nicely with my wedding band set. Time has really flown by and it seems to be going even faster now with the kids. Here are a few pictures of our wedding to recollect:
Sunday, January 6, 2013
The Trampoline
We came back home from Denton on Wednesday, December 26th and the kids were able to see what Santa left for them at our house...
Friday, January 4, 2013
Our Christmas Celebrations
We started off celebration Monday night, Christmas Eve. After dinner, we dined on cookies (saving a few for Santa), sipped on hot cocoa, and opened one present each; a pajama for us to wear that night (a tradition that Michelle and I had growing up). After the presents were opened, wee popped popcorn and watched The Polar Express.
The next morning we went through what Santa left and then munched on some cinnamon rolls. After breakfast we dug into the other gifts. During the kids' naps, it started snowing and by the time they woke up, there was quite an accumulation! We dawned our winter gear and headed out to play, a first for the triplets. They loved it! We joked about the difference in our kids; when Mig touched the snow, he started crying because it was so cold. The triplets not only touched the snow, but pressed their hands into it...what do you expect when you have a group that's half Mexican and one that's half Russian.
That evening we had a Christmas feast! We dine on glazed ham, Mexican spoon bread, shredded brussels sprouts, roasted carrots, sweet potato casserole, broccoli pancotto, and rolls. What a marvelous way to celebrate the birth of Jesus!
The next morning we went through what Santa left and then munched on some cinnamon rolls. After breakfast we dug into the other gifts. During the kids' naps, it started snowing and by the time they woke up, there was quite an accumulation! We dawned our winter gear and headed out to play, a first for the triplets. They loved it! We joked about the difference in our kids; when Mig touched the snow, he started crying because it was so cold. The triplets not only touched the snow, but pressed their hands into it...what do you expect when you have a group that's half Mexican and one that's half Russian.
That evening we had a Christmas feast! We dine on glazed ham, Mexican spoon bread, shredded brussels sprouts, roasted carrots, sweet potato casserole, broccoli pancotto, and rolls. What a marvelous way to celebrate the birth of Jesus!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Cowboys Stadium
The day after the moppets performance, Saturday the 22nd, we packed up the van, put The Bubble Guppies on the portable player, and headed up to Denton to spend the holidays with my sister, Michelle, and her family. Sunday we headed to church and switched off taking turns watching the kids to get some shopping done and then on Monday, after the guys cancelled a round of golf, we all headed out to tour the Cowboys Stadium. The kids LOVED running around on the field and it was really neat!
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My little nephew, Mig...The true Cowboys fan! |
Thanks, Michelle, for the pics!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Moppets Christmas Performance
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