6:00am Wake-up, Milk
6:10am Independent play while mommy does chores
6:30am Diaper change
7:00am Lessons: Morning prayer, calendar time, songs, story time
7:30am Independent play while mommy makes breakfast
8:00am Breakfast
8:30am Get dressed/diaper change
9:00am Stroller time (jogging on the dam while the kids take a light nap)
10:15am Independent play while mommy get snack ready
10:30am Snack time while mommy gets dressed
11:00am Independent play while mommy make lunch
11:30am Lunch
12:00pm Bath time
12:30pm Nap
2:30pm Wake-up, Milk (they can sleep until 3:30pm if needed, but they haven't done that yet)
2:40pm Snack time while mommy does the laundry
3:00pm Diaper change
3:30pm Grocery shopping
4:30pm Lessons: Activity
5:30pm Daddy time while mommy cooks dinner
6:00pm Dinner
6:30pm Get dressed for bed/ Diaper change
7:00pm Milk/Bedtime
We did just start a new lesson plan called Littlest Learners, which I'm so excited about. Its more like a preschool curriculum than the previous lessons I did with the kids. It may be a little too advanced for them right now, but I think it will be something really good for them to grow into. Here is our first lesson we did (I repeat the same calendar time and songs every day of the week and only do one activity a day, every day):

The kids continue to develop leaps and bounds in the motor skills department. Tali is starting to crawl a little more normal, but she still mainly does her Tali crawl. Adrik and Charli Kate are pulling up to stand on everything. And Charli Kate has just about mastered walking on her own with her little push car walker. All three of the kids are teething, which is horrible this time around. Tali and Adrik both now have five teeth. It feels like Adrik is about to cut three more and it feels like Tali is cutting one more. Charli Kate still only has two teeth, but I can feel one more starting to come in.
I'm going to have to put my school on hold for now. My plan for going back was all contingent upon me attending distant learning classes and I found out that there is only one class that I need that is offered distance learning. We decided that once Jenya has finished his masters in 2013, I will start back with night classes. In the mean time, I've been applying for volunteer positions associated with the environment. I've been looking at the Rainforest Partnership and the Colorado River Foundation. I'm thinking I will do my volunteer work on Fridays when the babysitter is here and on the weekends if necessary. I can't wait to get started!
Jenya has one more day of class for this semester and boy am I glad! With the kids' new schedule and with their teething, they are cranky at night! He will be taking the summer semester off and going back in the fall.
Well, that wraps up what's going on here. I hope everyone has a great week!
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