Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday Threes: My Triplet Pregnancy

  Carrying triplets was the most trying, most difficult, and, yes, most painful experience of my life.  Its funny how I just "wanted to see what it felt like to be pregnant" for so long and then after three months I had had enough.  The nausea kicked in on week seven and didn't end until a couple of weeks before I had the babies.  The backaches started around my fifth month of pregnancy and was so bad that I had to sleep with my back against the wall to relieve the pain.  When I was around six months pregnant, my entire body was huge and I was completely swollen.  Cravings?  Not at all....I was completely the opposite.  Everything made me sick.  Just thinking about meat would make me run to the bathroom with my hand over my mouth.  I never wanted to eat anything and yet still managed to gain 75 pounds (and I'm a small girl, starting out at 108 pre-pregnancy).  I could hardly move towards the end and you could forget about housework.  I never went through a nesting period, I was just too uncomfortable to even think about cleaning.  Getting dressed was a hassle, because I could not fit into anything, not even maternity clothes.  I never went on bed rest, but towards the end I was kind of hoping for it. Of coarse, I enjoyed feeling the babies move inside me, but I am very thankful that I don't ever have to go through that again!
Shamelessly, I am posting a picture of me just five days before I had the babies.  My husband made me ride this stupid cart around and then constantly teased me while taking pictures with his phone.  Anyone out there that has stumbled on this site because they've just been told they are having triplets, this is what you have to look forward to, but it is all with it in the end.  I truly believe I was meant to be a mother of triplets and I am relishing every moment!

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