Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday Threes: Taking Care of Sick Triplets

  The kids have been sick this week; sore throat, runny noses, and fevers.  It has not been the funnest place at our house.  All of you singleton mothers out there, picture for a moment, your young (two and under) child sick; the constant crying, always wanting to be held, endless sleepless nights, the thirty minute naps, and  you dealing with all of this while being sick yourself.  Now add two more children, the same age and the same condition.  I love being a mother of triplets, but the only time I wish it were easier is when they are sick.
How do you deal?

1)   Separation is the key.
 If you have the ability to keep them in separate rooms for bed and nap do it!  The night before last, Tali had to sleep in our bed; there was no other way anybody would get any rest.  Last night it was Adrik that was in our room.  I'm dead set against having kids sleep in parents' beds, but there literally was no other way.  Crying it out didn't work and only woke up the other kids, even in separate rooms.

2)    Keep Zyrtec and Tylenol on hand.
Our doctor recommends Zyrtec over Benadryl.  Follow the instructions given by your doctor.

3)     Don't skip outdoor time.
Fresh air always helps my little ones and puts them in a better mood.

4)     Allow naps at irregular times.
Let them fall asleep in the car or stroller.  Their little bodies need time to heal.

5)     Do NOT allow your children to go to day care or a nurserey!!!
It may be a major inconvenience, but right now I'm pretty sure that my kids picked something up from the church nursery and I've got to admit, I'm pretty upset at the parents that allowed their kids to go to a nursery while they were sick.

6)     Group hug and a favorite movie works during the toughest times.
Right after their nap,  my kids are the crankiest and when they're sick, all three scream uncontrollably for the first 15 minutes or so after their nap.  I put on Shrek, sit on the floor with my back against the coach and place one baby on one leg, another baby on the other leg and the last  baby on my hip.  We watch the movie until each one gradually decides to get up and play.

7)     Have patience.
Try to be understanding and try to keep your stress and temper under control.  If need be, let the kids cry in a safe place and have five minutes to yourself to relax and get control of your feelings.

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