Friday, April 27, 2012

Free Day Friday: Interesting Facts About Triplets and Multiples

Here are some of the more interesting facts I've found about multiples:

One amazing mother in Chile gave birth to the last of her 55 children in 1981. Her children includes five sets of triplets (all boys). Now that mom has her hands full!

As if the woman in Chile did not have enough children, a woman in Russia in the 1700's, gave birth to 16 sets of twins, in addition to 7 sets of triplets, and 4 sets of quads!

Only 16% of triplet births are spontaneous and only 5% of quadruplet births are spontaneous. Anything more than quadruplets is not spontaneous.

The "secret language of twins" is known as ideoglossia and is thought to be a mispronounciation of the children's native tongue which the children do not correct because their co-twin is capable of understanding them.

Scientists believe that the number of twin conceptions greatly outnumbers the number of twin births. some say that as many as one in eight births began with twins. while in only one in 70 births produce twins. One author claims that "80% of twin pregnancies result in the loss of one or both babies." though other sources cite this number at about 30%. Of the 133 million people born worldwide in 2000. an estimated seven million should have been twins.

A 1983 study revealed that a mother of six-month-old-triplets expends an average of 197.5 hours per week (out of a possible 168) between herself and paid/volunteer assistance. on the care of her children and home. This did not include a time allowance for mother to bathe. dress. sleep. eat. relax or talk with partner !

Recent articles in the press have reported that the cost of each birth in a twin and triplet delivery was 2 to 3 times that of a birth in a singleton delivery.

Although most twins are born within minutes of one another, sometimes days — even months — can elapse between the births of twins.

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