Charli Kate: Every night when I put the kids bed, Charli Kate (who is the last to be fed her bedtime snack) sits in her crib and plays with some toys while the other two are eating. One night I was trying to keep her entertained and I started singing the theme song to Disney's Little Einsteins. When I looked over in her crib, Charli Kate was holding up her stuffed Rocket (a character from the show). I decided that I would start teaching her the names to her toys and I would add a new toy each night. She can now identify about 15 different toys by name. Well, a couple of nights ago we added a rubber ducky. I put her in her crib, showed her the duck and told her, "This is the duck," several times. After awhile I asked her, "Charli Kate, where is the duck." She held up the duck, spit out her pacey and said, "da dut". I thought maybe she had just been babbling, but then she did it about ten more times and she's repeated it another ten more times since then. Other than the babbling type words (mama, dada, buba, etc) this is the first thing she's really been able to say something and actually mean to say it. She is also starting to pull up into a standing position. Still not interested at all in crawling.
Adrik: On Monday, I put the kids down for their tummy time while I made their lunch. When I went to go check on them, Adrik was sitting up. I figured I just forgot to put him on his tummy. But then, when I went to go give them their baths, I put Adrik on his tummy and watched him pull up to a sitting position. Now he's a pro; going from sitting to tummy and back again. He pulls up and is very comfortable on all fours, but still not crawling with his stomach off the ground. He is proficient at scooting on his stomach, though. Just today during bath time, I went to go grab the diaper bag before I dumped them in the tub. I had him on the floor in the bathroom and when I came back he had scooted into the bedroom looking for me. He is also starting to pull up into a standing position.
Tali: Tali has always been the best at sitting and now she has added something new. Instead of just sitting in one place, she goes round and round in circles, moving her legs and feet so that her upper body still stays still. Its very cute to watch. Tali led the pack in refusing her pureed foods. She had actually started doing this awhile ago, but she would just eat less. Now she takes a few bites and waves her hands in front of her face anytime you try to feed her baby food. Pretty impressive considering she was having a lot of problems digesting her breast milk for the first month of her life.
Jenya: Jenya has had a busy week. He took Monday and Tuesday off from work to study for two tests that he had in school. With the triplets' birthday on Sunday, he wasn't able to study on the weekend. Tonight he is in San Antonio with his brother watching the Spurs game. Galina, the kids' Babushka (grandmother) came over tonight to help me with the kids'.
Rachel: I've been busy cleaning up after the party. Thankfully, we didn't have it at our house, so I only have to clean and put up all there presents and decor. The kids have actually been taking two 1 and 1/2 naps a day and they have been sleeping until 6:15-6:30am, so I've been able to get a lot of stuff done. I've also been tandem feeding them their bottles, so that's freed up some time for me. To do this, I sit all of them in their old car seats. One baby eats from a bottle sling hanging from the car seat handle and I hold up the bottle for the other two. That cuts their feeding time from 45minutes- 1hour down to 10-15 minutes.
That's whats been going here. Below are yet some more pictures taken of the birthday party. This group is from my beautiful sister!
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