Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday Sayings: Traveling with Triples

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine 

  Before my trio came along, travel was important to my husband and me and I am determined to keep that part of my life and include it in the life of my children.  This weekend, we traveled four hours to visit my sister for her birthday (which is today)- hence the reason that I did not blog on Friday and Saturday.  We had a great time, but I do have to admit, the journey was a challenge.  Here are a couple of the tips that I usedto help keep my trio happy on the road:

1)  Consider your schedule and pick a time that will work well for your baby(ies).  My kids are great car sleepers, so we tried to begin our journey when it was time for their nap.  When they woke up, I fed them a bottle and since they were well rested and full they were happy playing by themselves for awhile.

2)  I bought fun (and inexpensive) new toys with lights, sounds, and buttons to keep the kids entertained on the trip.  Once they started to get antsy, I pulled out the toys.  I then rotated them as soon as they became bored so that in essence, my kids got three new toys. 

3)  Once they were done with that, I offered them juice and snacks.  This was a great distraction and kept them happy for a little longer.

4)  After all the tricks are used up, sometimes you might just have to put up with a little bit of fussing.  Try to remember all the good it will do your baby to not only learn about the world, but to experience it. 

For other great tips Check out this website.

Above is a picture of the beautiful birthday girl, my sister, Michelle, along with Charli Kate.  Happy Birthday, Michelle!

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