Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday Threes: My Triplet Story Part One

  My triplet story begins in July 2010.  My husband, Jenya, and I had been in the adoption process for about a year.  And I have to admit I felt like an outsider being force to adopt a child when it wasn't exactly what I wanted.   I tried to do everything right like going to adoption seminars and support groups.  I just felt like I didn't fit it.  Then one evening I was watching the evening news and this story aired about an embryo adoption right at the same time Jenya was getting something in the kitchen.  We were both pretty much thinking the same thing; let's try it.  By August we were back in my fertility specialist's office discussing with her the possibility of  adopting embryos.  Last time I talked to my doctor, Dr. Hansard, was about two years ago when she told me I pretty much wouldn't be able to have children of my own and that we needed to take a more drastic approach.  This meeting was much more positive.  They had just started doing embryo adoptions and they had the prefect little embryos for me.  At the end of the meeting Dr. Hansard throw in, "Lets just try one more time with the IUI. Just to say we covered all our bases."

Here's a news report about embryo adoption:

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is amazing! So glad you were able to find a way that was comfortable for you :-D
