Friday, March 2, 2012

If You Want the Rainbow, You've Got to Put Up with the Rain~ Dolly Parton

   This has been a week full of challenges.  Of course, there are the normal trials of raising triplets including the constant fine tuning of the schedule.  But a few extra tribulations were thrown in the mix this week.  Charli Kate has decided that sometime in between 3am and 4:30am, she needs to wake up and eat.  I think there are a couple of things at play.  She's finally getting in her teeth and I think she's also going through a growth spurt.   She also might be on the verge of developing one of her major milestones.  I read that a lot of babies start waking up in the middle of the night, hungry, when something is going on developmentally.  Jenya thinks that she will be walking within three weeks and he may be right.  You should see her go.   We still have to hold her hands (obviously or she would be walking already), but she can really get around with minimal assistants.
   Another thing that put a kink in our week was a follow up appointment with the infectious disease doctor.  I don't understand why specialist take so much advantage of people.  Its impossible to get a hold of them and when you finally do, they just tell you when to come in without giving you options on timing.  What did that mean for us?  Well we had to drive all the way into Austin during morning traffic.  An hour and a half in the car with three ten month olds; not actually an easy task to pull off .  We made it (15 minutes late).  The doctor was at least very nice and she was very impressed with their development and behavior.  She came in saying she didn't believe her staff when they told her there were triplets 'in room five'.  They were acting way too good.  And then she repeatedly told us that they are doing amazingly well developmentally and completely on track.  She couldn't believe they were born two and a half months early.  That's my miracle babies!
  Even though this week was a bit rough, as always, we had our fun moments.  I hope each one of you had a wonderful week!


  1. Oh the pictures are DARLING. Okay so Cindy did that too, waking up in the middle of the night. Right after we moved back to California she did would wake up twice, around the clock. Midnight and three, I could time it! I thought she was hungry so I would always have bottles ready for her. Then a mom told me she had the same issue and finally just let her son cry. I tried it and the first night she cried for about an hour and shorter and shorter and now she sleeps through the night again. I know you can't do that but maybe try giving her less and less milk at night, but hopefully it's just a growth spurt so you can get your rest!

    Your babies are precious btw!

  2. Rachel, my advice for Charli is DON'T feed her when she wakes up. I know you can't let her cry - do maybe just take her out of the room and try to soothe her without feeding her. You know she can sleep through the night and if you feed her, her body might get used to that extra feeding and it will just take longer to cut it back out. I hope it's just a short phase and you will all be sleeping soundly again soon! Hugs!!
