Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Super Vinegar!

When I decided to cure Tali's diaper rash with apple cider vinegar, I found a site that lists all the benefits of the condiment including cure for diaper rash (which, I'm happy to say, worked).  According to this site, apple cider vinegar can be used to benefit a plethora of ailments from cancer to varicose veins.  I've already talked about its miraculous capability at fighting diaper rash, but I have been using apple cider vinegar to prevent and treat bladder infections.  This may be TMI, but I've had a problem with recurring bladder infections for many years...I'm talking, I would get one every six weeks.  In November, the familiar burn started again, but this time the medication I was prescribed did not work.  My body had become immune.  I decided to take a different approach and that's when I started taking a tablespoon of vinegar three times a day.  I hadn't had any problems until a couple of weeks ago.  At the first tingle, I took a tablespoon of vinegar.  Shortly after that, I had to go again and afterwards I took another tablespoon.  After a couple of hours of repeating this process, my symptoms completely went away and they haven't been back.  With that said, always consult your physician.  My doctor is aware of my remedy and supports it for me.
Anyway, here is the website listing the benefits of the Super Vinegar:

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is so awesome! I will for sure keep this in mind. Thanks for the tip.
